
Is the Vatican Anti-Semitic or Tone-Deaf?

  Introduction Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, Israel and the Vatican have been at odds. Israel has objected to what it sees as the Vatican’s false moral equivalence between terrorist aggression and Israel’s right to self-defence. The Vatican has complained of a “disproportionate” Israeli response which puts innocents at risk and threatens to ignite a wider regional or even global conflagration. Pope Francis  wrote   to the Jewish population of Israel in February 2024 condemning all forms of anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism: "(The Church) rejects every form of anti-Judaism and antisemitism, unequivocally condemning manifestations of hatred towards Jews and Judaism as a sin against God … Together with you, we, Catholics, are very concerned about the terrible increase in attacks against Jews around the world. We had hoped that 'never again' would be a refrain heard by the new generations." The Pope noted that wars and divisions are increasing all over

Kris Kristofferson (1936-2024)

Rest in Peace. “Kris Kristofferson believed creativity is God-given, and those who ignore such a gift are doomed to unhappiness. He preached that a life of the mind gives voice to the soul, and his work gave voice not only to his soul but to ours. He leaves a resounding legacy.” (Kyle Young) Why me Lord, what have I ever done To deserve even one Of the pleasures I've known Tell me Lord, what did I ever do That was worth loving You Or the kindness You've shown Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it So help me Jesus, I know what I am Now that I know that I've needed you So Help me Jesus, my soul's in Your hand Tell me Lord, if you think there's a way I can try to repay All I've taken from You Maybe Lord, I can show someone else What I've been through myself On my way back to You Lord, help me Jesus, I've wasted it So Help me Jesus, I know what I am Now that I know that I've needed you So help me Jesus, my soul's in Your hand Lord, h

Becoming Christ-Like

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18: 3-5)  I ntroduction - Child-like not Childishness A multitude of factors will influence the person we become in life: biological and genetic factors; parenting; social relationships; and the wider culture and times we’re born into. These factors interact in complex and unpredictable ways.  A Christian understanding of ‘personality’ is founded on our belief in the existence of God; accepting that He is a person whom one is in a relationship with; and that the health of this relationship has consequences. Despite these pulls and pushes of nature/nurture, we have reason, character, and human agency. Noting the above, a small child is a more complete human being than he will be in adulthood. In th

Open Thread - Contemporary Christian Songs

Recently there was some discussion about contemporary music and its place in worship and in evangelisation.  So ... Happy Jack invites you to post 'modern' Christian tunes from Youtube in the comments and he will include them here. We can then review them.  To start, here's one HJ enjoys listening to - though not in Church: (You Raise Me Up - Salah) An offering from "Anonymous" -  Gadjo Dilo? ("He's Been A Shelter For Me" Soul Stirrers) Another from "Anonymous"  (Treorchy Male Pontarddulais Male Choirs - Tydi a Roddaist) Three - make that four beautiful offerings from  Maalaistollo   "Hark! What a Sound" -  -Harmonious Choral  (LVHF 2021 | Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) Salve Regina F dur RV 617_Patricia Janečková) (Patricia Janečková & Collegium Marianum - Christmas Concert 2020) (Handel - Acis and Galatea (HWV 49))   Neanderthal Èireannach  offers:  (AWURADE NYAME YE ODO -  SAM ASARE BEDIAKO)

The Shroud of Turin - The Icon of Icons.

Those familiar with ‘Happy Jack’ during his sojourn on the Cranmer blog may recall the occasional dispute there between him and Carl Jacobs concerning The Shroud of Turin. The latter claimed the Shroud was a medieval forgery created by crucifying a living man. I posted two meditations on the Shroud on a blog I created during my “banishment” by Adrian Hilton – here  and here .  As someone who was given an image of Christ’s face from the Shroud at my Confirmation, and who has carried that image ever since, I have followed the scientific research down the years. I never had any real doubts about its authenticity.  Many believe the Shroud to be a true relic of the Passion of Christ. Many regard it as a human creation. I want to suggest another alternative.  But before all that ….    Introduction Many believe the Shroud is a true relic of the Passion of Christ. Many regard it as a human creation. Some view it no more than a scam to fleece pilgrims. For over a hundred years, it has been scru

The Rioters – Far Right?

Apologies for the delay in posting .... So, the "riots" have settled for now. What do we make of them and those who took part? Is it too simplistic to label them all "Far Right"?  A strange metamorphosis has happened over the last few weeks. On the one hand, Tommy Robinson, the Right-wing activist, has shapeshifted into a Left-leaning analyst of political protest. On the other, those who formerly occupied that role have suddenly embraced the Right-coded rhetoric of moral disgust and zero-tolerance policing.  Robinson has suggested that the riots are an all but inevitable response to white working-class grievances that have been ignored by the elites in the media and government. Progressives, on the other hand,  who once expressed support for those who participated in the George Floyd protests of 2020 have adopted a decidedly harsher line on the current anti-immigration protests. Back in June 2020, for example, the former head of British counter-terrorism policing, N