The Wind that's Coming
The first year of ministry after his ordination in 1951 brought Father Joseph Ratzinger to the Munich parish of Heilig Blut (Precious Blood). During the Nazi regime, this parish had two lay martyrs, Ludwig Baron Leonrod and Franz Sperr, and two priest martyrs, Hermann Josef Wehrle and Alfred Delp, SJ. They protested the cruelties of Hitler and his minions and had been executed as witnesses to Christ. Expressing admiration for the brave testimony of these men for the spiritual truth of Jesus Christ over materialistic ideology, o n May 24, 1952, he penned the following words in the autograph book of a girl in one of his religion classes in Munich:: However the winds blow You should stand against them. When the world falls apart Your brave heart may not despair. Without the heart’s bravery which Has the courage to withstand unshakably The spirits of the time and the masses, We cannot find the way to God And the true way of Our Lord. ( In remembrance ...