Requiescat In Pace: Cranmer

Archbishop Cranmer

Bishop of the Blogosphere
2006 – 2022

His Grace’s ashes are once more scattered to the winds.

‘And forasmuch as my hand offended in writing contrary to my heart, therefore my hand shall first be punished.’


  1. So what's the message behind 'Cranmer's' last words here?

  2. If and I say if we ever get concrete evidence that Cranmer has been hounded off his site, then those involved have declared war against truth and free speech.

  3. I've just messaged you on Cranmer???

    1. Yes, it's weird - the site is down but we can still post comments to one another. Most strange. But good to know.

    2. It didn't work with grutchyngfysch though.

    3. My Disqus profile is set to private - that might be why.

  4. It's just an epitaph on 16 years of work. I don't think he has anything specific in mind. The weblog went four years beyond when he first said he would close it down.

  5. It's a damn shame, none the less. It's been a great learning curve for me personally as well as a source of social contact in the past few years as I'm essentially housebound.

    Not sure where I take this blog. I'm thinking of posting the email I use for it and inviting readers to send me articles for posting. What do you think?

    Btw, England are now 4 - 0 up against Iran. Still confident about Friday?

    1. One thing I think needs to be clear, if we do open this up to articles is what type of articles are wanted and all church traditions can be represented, even if some do agree with what they believe!!!!

    2. Agreed ... this is for all of us and not just one group. The articles can be whatever folk want, covering any topic.

    3. What, even us trads?😇

    4. Yes, but bare in mind the words of St Paul:

      "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." 😎

    5. If you can, have a contact form rather than posting your email address. Or you might get lots of spam. You could give your email address to legitimate people who enquire via the contact form.

    6. I don't think there is a contact form on Google blogs - that's a Disqus facility. It's a risk publishing the email, granted, but an email is easy to set-up and people's privacy will guarded. Spam will be deleted and attachments scanned.

    7. Try this:

    8. You beat up on hapless Iran. This is a source of confidence?

    9. Actually, USA didn't look a bad side against Wales.

    10. My football expert mate reckons that Iran weren't even trying properly half the time, something to do with a protest.

    11. Set up a new Gmail account for articles. Nobody would be able to trace it.

  6. Why not, we could invite guest writers, I hear a certain Adrian Hilton has interesting things to say.

    1. That's actually not a bad idea at all.

    2. Adrian Hilton is hardly likely to respond favourably to such a request from Happy Jack!

    3. Ask ChefofSinners, he claims he's the favourite 🙄

      I'm not being entirely serious re Mr Hilton.

    4. I don't think we'll be seeing Chef here as he doesn't approve of the platform.

    5. Because it requires setting up a certain sort of account, I think.

    6. He might have an issue with Goggle. Setting up a blogging account takes 5 minutes.

    7. I was considering my options. Offers have been flooding in post-Cranmer. Eventually turned down Welby's offer to be new Archbishop of the blogosphere. The deal-breaker was he insisted on Rose Hudson as Suffragan.

    8. You wouldn't want to suffer again.

  7. I noted at lunchtime today that whilst the Cranmer blog was still live all reference to Adrian had been removed from the "About" page. I guess that someone has threatened him with legal action regarding something he'd posted and now taking down the whole blog has been the best way to get himself out of a tricky situation (but I'm only guessing, and as others have said: he did think of ending Cranmer some years ago).

    1. Remember this:

      "On 10th May, the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev'd Steven Croft, instructed his lawyers to demand that a post on this site be taken down."

      Cranmer refused ....

  8. And his Twitter account has been closed.

  9. Lady of the Mercians has recently informed Happy Jack that we can still stay in touch for now.

    "Sorry to interrupt. As I've explained at the top of this thread, only Archbishop Cranmer himself can close threads, not Disqus. You can still keep in touch with friends on this site on articles. Just press onto the account of someone you are following. You'll see a section which says ' frequented Communities ' press on Archbishop Cranmer and you'll come to a long list of articles with this one at the top.

    To get onto the article press the onto the comment number ie ' 415 ' comments.

    You can post on any thread ( open ) that's mentioned on the list of articles forever unless his Grace closes them. You'll just not have new articles."

  10. Anton/DrVAT has removed all his comments (again) from Cranmer.

  11. Well, that's a blow! Cranmer blog has disappeared and with it all of Jack's many comments and notifications. Brutal!

    1. .... and everyone else's comments too! Double-brutal!

    2. Well that's a shock 😲 How can that be!

    3. Mr Hilton's last act as his alter ego ... not cool. Now we really are all outcasts!

    4. A lot of the published legal material both on Cranmer and off it in relation to the Christ Church/Percy events and also the sexual harrassment allegations made reference to comments as a potential avenue for legal challenge.

      I would expect that (a) we wouldn't have continued use of the comments (that certainly isn't something that is typical anywhere else); and (b) it would be wise if legal issues are stake to avoid the appearance of hosting decontexualised discussion which could generate or support legal challenges.

      While I don't have an unvarnished hagiographical view of either the blog or its author, I don't think this is at all unreasonable.

    5. Maybe ... a shock never the less to loose 12 years of one's comments.

    6. It happens. Comments and conversations I had 20-odd years ago on message boards went the same way ages ago. All flesh is as grass...

  12. I am beginning to wonder if something else is behind this.

    1. Not sure - it maybe lawyers, but HG has in the past shown a darker side to his character. I'm not an IT bod, but believe a Disqus blog can go quiet or close without every comment being deleted.

      All speculation and we'll never know.

      Has Hannah stopped blogging?

    2. All his articles are here:

      But, alas, no comments!

    3. No, but she can go several weeks without posting these days. Very irritating. 😖

    4. I have had something complementary set up for a short while, been waiting for the right thread to hijack. Fear not!

    5. We shall all hold our breath in anticipation ...

  13. Replies
    1. Wilko was totally briliant in his way, loved his playing, and his accent.

  14. Replies
    1. Never really a "friend" PC. Indeed, I didn't like the influence he had on my old and now deceased mate, Lee Brilleaux (Lee John Collinson), who I grew up with on Canvey Island.

      Still, I will say a prayer for him.

    2. Yet it was Brilleaux who became a drunk. Maybe that's what you meant.

    3. Wilko may have been a good guitarist but he was a total egoist who fed Brilleaux's dark side. My memories are more innocent, having busked with Lee and John outside pubs on Canvey Island. Happy days!

    4. Fellow buskers were Lee Collinson, John Sparkes and Chris White (Feelgood's eventual manager).

    5. Oh, not forgetting Lew Lewis!

    6. Definitely something to tell the grandkids, Jack! :-) (They also might learn something about real music...).

  15. Thoughts on the passing of the Carnmer blog

    1. Good article, 'Two Feet'.

      Personally, I think it was wholly unnecessary of Mr Hilton to delete all of the comments on his Cranmer site. There are many Disqus blogs that have closed where one can still access the comments sections.


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