The Helpers Went on Strike!

Is ait an mac an saol

“Gabhaim leithscéal ó chroí libh”

Sorry folks, something went awry today ... "mea culpa"

Happy Jack was messing about with the various settings on here, made a mess-up and couldn't remember what he'd done!!! 

Anyway, he's a little tune:


  1. I must admit that Irish music is really good. It's not hard to add to your offering - Roddy McCorley, Rising of the Moon, Rosin the Beau.

    Here find my own offering:

    OK, OK. So the composers might technically be Canadian. But the legend is from Ireland. So that counts.

  2. I was getting worried about you and your family Carl. Did you experience the severe weather?

    1. "I"? What happened to Jack's illeism? Is this a New Year's Resolution come early?
      What would Caesar say?

    2. What would an illeist consider the correct way to say "Mea culpa"?

  3. Well, depends on what you mean by "severe". It was cold and we did get a moderate amount of snow. But I have experienced much worse. Temperature was (say) -9°F with -30°F wind-chill. Easy to dress for that.

    I did manage to get sick on Christmas Eve. Didn't start to feel better until Wednesday. So not much of a Christmas.

    1. There are twelve days of Christmas - from Christmas Day until 6th of January - so plenty of time to enjoy the season.

      Today in the Latin Church we celebrate the Feast of Saint Thomas Becket.

  4. Editors Note: For those poor souls who are stuck using the crippled, truncated and hopelessly abstract Celsius system, that -23°C and -34°C.

  5. I thought I had said good format, but it's disappeared. Anyway let's see what happens this time!

  6. It happens. Once, when I waiting in the car for my dad to drive me to school, I managed to change the car radio's language settings to German. He was so impressed by my ingenuity, he drove around with it like that all day until politely asking me to reset it when he picked me up in the afternoon.

    Anyway, I like the new format but the text is showing as light blue on a white background for me, which isn't the easiest read. Also, Ray's avatar is taking up half the screen for some reason. Everyone else is normal size.

  7. Light blue for me too - a trial for failing eyes. Can Jack change this, please?

  8. Jack's tearing out what little hair he has left!!!

  9. Black is too strong, how about dark blue 😂😂😂 Also the "Comment as: Prof Generaliter seem bigger?

    1. This is Happy Jack's blog and he will not tolerate islander mutiny. It's not a democracy here!

  10. Replies
    1. Mutiny? Against the Dread Pirate Captain Jack Dodo?

    2. Hope you're wearing your glasses, you'll not see me otherwise 😂

  11. Happy Jack is working with the Vatican Ambassador to secure deployment of Swiss Guard.

  12. I don't like sans-serif fonts! Can you change it to something more refined?

    1. Happy Jack is now appreciating the tetchiness of the deceased Cranmer! We must have driven the poor soul to despair!

    2. More refined? How about comic sans?

    3. Red! Red! Why? Much preferred the blue 😖

    4. The grey is nice, but I feel it lacks commitment, being neither white nor black. May I suggest skobeloff?

    5. You're versed in Greek, right? Might Jack suggest a sitable colour for thee>

      Hmm .. how about 'σκύβαλον'

    6. I'm not a fan of browns... 🤨

  13. Ray, you need to do something about your avatar! It's taking over half my screen!

    1. Ps, you have to size it to fit the available space.


    2. It never did this before, and it's only happening here on your blog, nowhere else.
      Did you delete my comment where I asked you a question about it?

      30 December 2022 at 20:50

    3. Hi Ray, I can read your comments in 'administrator' mode, but not on the webloG and I can't reply to them there.

      It's possible - probable - I deleted your comment, and others too. Tbh, it's been a nightmare setting this up and most of the time I was stumbling around in the dark.

      So, apologies if your comment was deleted. It's not my style to do such a thing deliberately.

      Jack est culpa!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. OK, Jack, I have now deleted my avatar. I'll leave it like that for a day or two. Let's wait and see what happens.

  16. Sorry again, Ray. I hate computers and it seems I set up two parallel accounts, It's was actually okay in the end. It's be nice the avatar of Uncle Brian again!

    1. Please don't apologise, Jack. I don't get on well with computers myself. I don't even remember now what avatar I used when I was posting as Uncle Brian. Whatever it was, I no longer have it stored in my computer. It was in an old computer that died several years ago.

    2. Wasn't it the head of Oliver Hardy?

      I have a notoriously poor memory!

    3. Thank you, Clive! Yes, I think I've found the same píc on Google Images, and I've changed my avatar accordingly. It'll take a while to show up on the thread. If it's still oversized, I'll delete it again and leave it at that.

  17. Happy Jack was being ungentlemanly - but you deserved it.


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


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