Who Knows Where The Time Goes?

Happy Jack has been 'under the weather' recently but is on the mend. 

Meantime, here's one of his favourite (almost prophetic) songs from a beautiful singer song-writer, Sandy Denny, whose short life came to an untimely and tragic end.

Across the evening sky, all the birds are leaving But how can they know it's time for them to go? Before the winter fire, I will still be dreaming I have no thought of time

For who knows where the time goes? Who knows where the time goes?

Sad, deserted shore, your fickle friends are leaving Ah, but then you know it's time for them to go But I will still be here, I have no thought of leaving I do not count the time

For who knows where the time goes? Who knows where the time goes?

And I am not alone while my love is near me I know it will be so until it's time to go So come the storms of winter and then the birds in spring again I have no fear of time

For who knows how my love grows? And who knows where the time goes?


  1. Sorry to hear you're ill, Jack, and glad to learn you're on the mend. This one is a little before my time -- much more interested in football than music when it came out -- but I'm reaching the age when it has acquired a certain piquancy.

  2. Prof Generaliter23 January 2023 at 15:39

    I love this song, and like Bell I've reached an age where it seems more relevant. Unlike Bell I loved this from an early age.

    I'm feeling massively nostalgic.

  3. Sorry to hear you that haven't been well, sending my love and prayers.

    I confess that I've never heard of this song or Sandy Denny before. It's a beautiful song, and apparently it was the final song she performed before her death. A very tragic and troubled life, by the sounds of it.

    1. The circumstances surrounding her career and death make Happy Jack not so happy.

    2. She reminds me a little of Eva Cassidy, who also had a tragically short life. I played her music for, I think, two of my piano gradings.

    3. Unlike Eva, Sandy was a casually of the 'free love', drug culture of the 1960/70s. Seems like she was suffering from some form of bi-polar illness, either triggered by drugs/alcohol, or being exacerbated by this. Many of her songs have a melancholy air about them - love and abandonment. Jack saw her on the London folk circuit in the 1960s and she came across as fragile. He was very moved by her performance.

  4. I generally really enjoy folk-rock but for some reason Fairport Convention passed me by (maybe I was just a few years too young to catch that wave). Enjoyed this. Thanks. Wishing Jack the best of health. May he post more like this. As we say here in Romania, pace.

  5. Rumours in the Vatican.—Shortly before his death Cardinal Pell seemed to have derailed Pope Francis' plan to appoint the controversial German bishop Heiner Wilmer as the new prefect of the Dicastery (formerly the Congregation) for the Doctrine of the Faith. But now they're saying Francis still plans to go ahead with the appointment. Any day now!


    1. From where I stand, it really does look to me as though Francis has gone completely rogue. Latest news is that he's instructed Spanish seminarians after they're ordained to give absolution to all, even those who have no intention of reform. We just don't know what he wants. Apparently, he was floating the idea of appointing a coadjutor bishop of Rome, in effect, appointing his own successor. This simply cannot go on. The cardinals have got to do something.

    2. The Cardinals wont make it past the Swiss Guards.:) Those long swords look lethal. So do the satin billowing bloomers:) Cressida

  6. https://youtu.be/v0RC21L2xq8 .
    David Crosby of Crosby Stills Nash and Young has passed just a few days ago. RIP, All the old rockers are falling off the perch. Hippy culture has long gone methinks.
    I am sorry to hear you have not been well lately Jack. Pleased you are getting better.


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