Turn, Turn, Turn - The Seekers


Just because Happy Jack likes this song! 

And loved the singer!


  1. The Book of Ecclesiastes as its author surely envisioned it! And how nice to see in the video Judith and the lads bringing in the harvest of Pinot Waggawagga.

  2. Ah, the young Judith Durham. The single greatest motivation for the development of time travel. Here's one I really love her singing because, despite its barroom pedigree, you actually have to be able to sing to put it across.


    1. Time, gentlemen, your glasses please, come on now haven't you got any homes to go to...

  3. Meanwhile, General Synod has set up a commission to consider whether to continue referring to God as 'he' or use a gender neutral term. Wrestling with the real issues again, the pews will be packed.

    There is a time for organisations to spring up, and a time for them to wither away.

    1. Interesting that a line in that letter reads: "Membership of the Synod is a way in which we serve before God." Surely there was no need for the 'before' there. Everybody gotta serve somebody, as Bob Dylan once said.

    2. Fascinating. It seems that they do know how to wield archepiscopal discipline after all! Not for radical departures from Anglican practice, of course, but for saying hurty things on Twitter.

      There is no longer any difference between the CofE and the world (in the Johannine sense) Any 'traditional' Anglicans still in the CofE at this point are like people standing on the deck of the Titanic assuring each other that the cold water in their shoes is nothing to worry about.

    3. Well, it seems Synod comes before God ....

    4. I guess we all serve before God, as He sees everything, but I can't help thinking that they would have focused their minds on the jobs they are paid to do if they'd left that word out.

  4. A half-century later, John Cleese is promising a new series of Fawlty Towers. However, the censorship of woke is very constraining ... What will he be allowed to get away with, I wonder?

    1. Oh, he really should, and he probably still could.

  5. I loved that series. Sad that British humour has been curbed by censorship. I look forward to see what Cleese comes up with in spite of the challenges....From Cressida


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