New Dean of Christ Church Appointed - Rev Canon Professor Sarah Foot

The Christ Church website has announced their new Dean:

The King has approved the appointment of Rev Canon Professor Sarah Foot PhD, Professor Foot is the first woman to be chosen for the role in Christ Church’s almost 500-year-long history.
Professor Foot is the Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Oxford University and a priest serving as a Residentiary Canon at Christ Church. Her teaching and research have focused on women in religion, medieval monasticism and the early history of the English Church. She is currently working on a study of the life and work of the Venerable Bede.
The Dean designate said: “It is an honour to have been appointed to this role and to work alongside the Governing Body to serve the students, academics, staff, Chapter and congregation of Christ Church. As we approach our 500th anniversary, we can ensure that Christ Church continues to excel in advancing education, learning and religion long into the future.
“Together, we must make a success of the Governance Review process and see through changes that will be necessary when it’s complete. This work is vital. It will give our colleagues the structures that they need to do what matters most to all of us: offering teaching and research, and a Cathedral liturgy, of the highest quality.”
An independent review of the governance of Christ Church, chaired by Dominic Grieve KC, is underway. Implementing subsequent changes to the governance and statutes of Christ Church will require the approval of the University, the Church of England, the Privy Council and Parliament. This is likely to be a lengthy process. Once it is complete Professor Foot intends to stand down to allow new leadership to take Christ Church forward under new statutes.
Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford, said: “I’m delighted to welcome Sarah’s appointment as Dean of Christ Church in this key period in the life of the College and the Cathedral following her long tenure as one of our four Canon Professors in the Cathedral. Sarah combines a distinguished career as an historian, a deep personal faith and reservoirs of wisdom from her experience of leadership of Christ Church in recent months. I look forward very much to working in partnership with Sarah in the coming years in the implementation of the governance review and as a member of the Bishop’s senior leadership team across the Diocese of Oxford.”
In addition to her Faculty position, Professor Foot has been serving since 2021 as Censor Theologiae of Christ Church. The holder of this role deputises in the Dean’s absence; since the Deanship became vacant, she has effectively fulfilled the role of Acting Head of House. She will take up her appointment as Dean in July 2023.

An independent review of the governance of Christ Church is under way, prompted by the four-year dispute between the former Dean, Dr Martyn Percy, and the college’s governing body. A settlement was reach last year, when Dr Percy agreed to leave the college with what was described as “a substantial sum in compensation” (News, 4 February 2022). The governance review is being conducted by the former Attorney General, Dominic Grieve KC. Because of the college’s unusual constitution, any changes require Parliament, Privy Council, and church approval, as well as that of the university (24 June, 2022). Canon Foot is expected to stand down at the conclusion of the review, which the parallel press releases issued by the college and the diocese announcing her appointment describe as “likely to be a lengthy process”.


  1. Prof Generaliter16 March 2023 at 17:33

    And let this be the last time we hear about the Dean of Christ Church.

  2. Professor Foot is the first woman to be chosen for the role in Christ Church’s almost 500-year-long history.

    Personally, when I get a job, I love it when they announce my qualifications beginning with my gender. The result of a biological coin toss over which I had no control is so much more meaningful than, I don't know, my having pouring years into a PhD.

    And amen! @ Clive.

    1. We still have the safeguarding review to look forward too and also the Christ Church governance review. Given this sorry affair precipitated the folding of the Cranmer site, the results of the above need consideration in due course.

    2. I'd love to talk about that, but I think I'm washing my hair when it comes out...

    3. Of course. Asian hair is in high demand in the 'real hair wig' market. It's my retirement fund!

  3. Does anybody know if and where Dr Adrian Hilton is posting about developments with Christ Church?

    1. One very much doubts that he is ....

    2. He has a Twitter feed @Adrian_Hilton (you don't need an account to read it). He tends to tweet links to the occasional articles he writes, but I'd imagine he'll leave the Christ Church thing alone. Once bitten, etc.

      He's posted a screenshot of the appointment of Prof. Foot with the simple comment 'Well.'

    3. Professor Foot was one of the (alleged) 'cabal' who (allegedly) conspired against "he who will not be named" here before "he who will not be named" sauntered off feeling aggrieved with £1m+ in his back-pocket.

      Thinking Anglicans (what a misnomer) are not happy with the appointment.

    4. That explains some of the replies to the tweet.

    5. @雲水,
      Thanks for the info! I hope Dr Hilton is well. However, my aversion to Twitter seems to be ongoing.

    Happy St Patrick's Day everyone !......Cressida

      Not many of you would know this but Jack is a very gifted Irish dancer

    2. Happy St Patrick's Day to you too, Cressie.

      The dancing helped with the boxing!

  5. Adrian Hilton still has a blog under his own name, though it's been six years now since he last posted anything there:

  6. "He who will not be named", recently Tweeted this comment:

    Might @GaryLineker do Radio 4 Thought for the Day sometime? In approximately 60 A.D., a ship carrying 276 men, including St Paul, was shipwrecked off the coast of Malta. St Paul was being taken to Rome to be tried as a political rebel.
    The welcome given to him is instructive."

    Is he really this dense?

    1. I had a look at his Twitter feed. I find this fascinating. Tell me if someone is wokey-progressive or an anti-wokester, and I can tell you their position on every current event with 99% certainty. It's almost creedal at this point.

    2. And that's the problem. Issues that are complex become tribal ideologies. Reason is replaced by allegiance to a simplistic creed and people seek affirmation on Twitter.

    3. Jack, have you seen this on UnHerd? The author spells out, step by step, something I had long suspected. So-called "identity politics" is not really politics at all. It's people who want to do away with politics altogether and put tribalism in its place.

    4. @Jack,
      Right, because St Paul said to the Maltese, "Me and these other crims have decided to come here and to stay indefinitely and you're going to pay for it.

      He who will not be named is probably smart enough to pass exams, etc, but once the cognitive disonance sets in.....

    5. @Ray - this isn't new. In 1946, the German philosopher Karl Jaspers wrote Die Schuldfrage [The Question of German Guilt] reflecting on certain unpleasant events that nation had been involved in during the previous decade or so. He said:

      "We have only shadows of a truly political ground on which we might stand and retain our solidarity through the most violent controversies. We are sorely deficient in talking to each other and listening to each other. We lack mobility, criticism and self-criticism. We incline towards doctrinism.

      What makes it worse is that so many people do not really want to think. They want only slogans and obedience. They ask no questions and they give no answers, except by repeating drilled-in phrases. They can only assert and obey, neither probe nor apprehend. Thus, they cannot be convinced, either. How shall we talk with people who will not go where others probe and think, where men seek independence in integrity and insight?"


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