Rest in Peace Little Brother

                                                                                                                      Peter and John

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon him.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


John, Peter and James

I commend you, my dear brother John, to Almighty God,

and entrust you to His care.

May you return to Him who formed you from the dust of the earth.

May Holy Mary, and all the angels and saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life.

May Christ who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace.

May we three brothers be together once more with our sister, Winona, 

And make music in Heaven.

Winona, James, John and Peter


  1. I’m very sorry to hear your sad news, Peter.

    Eternal rest grant unto Peter’s brother John, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  2. I'm so very so to hear this, Peter. I will pray for you all in my vigil tonight.

    O God of spirits and of all flesh, Who hast trampled down death and overthrown the Devil, and given life to Thy world, do Thou, the same Lord, give rest to the soul of Thy departed servant John in a place of brightness, a place of refreshment, a place of repose, where all sickness, sighing, and sorrow have fled away. Pardon every transgression which he has committed, whether by word or deed or thought. For Thou art a good God and lovest mankind; because there is no man who lives yet does not sin, for Thou only art without sin, Thy righteousness is to all eternity, and Thy word is truth.

    For Thou are the Resurrection, the Life, and the Repose of Thy servant John who has fallen asleep, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Grant John, O Lord, memory eternal, and to his family, your comfort and the peace which passes all understanding.

  3. Sorry to hear this news Peter. I will pray for God's peace and strength for you and your brother's loved ones, at what will be a difficult and sad time for you all.

    Loved the photo!

    1. The Bee Dees - better than the Bee Gees in their day!

  4. God our Father, your power brings us to birth, your providence guides our lives, and by your command we return to dust.

    My deepest sympathies, Jack.

  5. Deepest condolences Jack, may you feel God's grace especially closely.

  6. Thank you for your kind comments and your prayers for my brother. He'll be missed by me, his wife, three sons and four grandchildren.

    1. The Lord bless and keep you. I will keep you in my prayers.

      Thank you for sharing those photos with us, they're very lovely.

    2. Innocent, happy times, Lain.

  7. Very sad to hear this. Listening to Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus brought on a flood of emotion.

    And we will all miss Jack’s words of wisdom.

    Neanderthal Èireannach

  8. Lovely family photos. I am so sorry to hear this sad news Jack. Prayers for your brother and his family and for you and your family. Take good care of yourself Jack....tough times ahead !.....Cressida xx


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