Teacher Leave Them Kids Alone!
In March this year, the government published details of a review that would lead to statutory guidance on “New Relationships, Sex, Health and Education” (RSHE). This was in response to “disturbing reports that inappropriate material is being taught in some schools” and a review is needed “to make sure all children are protected from inappropriate content in all cases, even if many schools already teach RSHE and engage parents in a positive way.” Education Secretary, Gillian Keegan said at the time: "I am deeply concerned about reports of inappropriate lessons being taught in schools. This urgent review will get to the heart of how RSHE is currently taught and should be taught in the future. This will leave no room for any disturbing content, restore parents’ confidence, and make sure children are even better protected. The letter makes clear that parents should be able to view all curriculum materials, and that parents can ask to see material if it has not already been sh...