Many Mansions

“In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you”.  

Protestant Heaven vs. Catholic Heaven

Gates of Heaven

Three men arrive at the gates of heaven. 

St. Peter asks the first man, "Religion?" 

The first man replies, "Catholic"


St. Peter looks down his list and says, "Go to room 24. But be very quiet as you pass room 8."

St. Peter asks the second man, "Religion."


The second man replies "Methodist."


St. Peter looks down his list and says, "Go to room 14. But be very quiet as you pass room 8."

St. Peter asks the third man,  "Religion."


The third man replies, "Episcopalian."


St. Peter looks down his list and says, "Go to room 21.But be very quiet as you pass room 8."


The third man then says to St. Peter, "I can understand there being different rooms for different religions, but why must we be quiet when we pass room 8?"


St. Peter tells him, "Well the Baptists are in room 8, and they think they're the only ones here."

[The joke varies according to the denomination of the person posting it. For some "Room 8" is reserved for Eastern Orthodox or Catholics, for others Episcopalians, and for others Calvinists. 

Heavenly Vehicle 

Once there were three people, Charlie, Mason, and Buck, who were involved in a tragic car accident in which all three died.

As they stood at the gates of Heaven, St. Peter said to them, "You will all be given a method of transportation for your eternal use around Heaven. You will be judged on your past deeds, and will have your transport chosen accordingly."

St. Peter looked at Charlie and said, "You, Charlie, were a bad man. You cheated on your wife four times! For this, you will drive around Heaven in an old beat-up Dodge."

Next, St. Peter looked at Mason and said, "You were not so evil, but you still cheated on your wife two times. For this, you will forever travel around heaven in a Toyota station wagon."

St. Peter finally looked at Buck, and said, "You, Buck, have set a fine example. You did not have sex until after marriage, and you never cheated on your wife! For this, you will forever travel through heaven in a Ferrari."

A short time later, Mason and Buck pulled up in their cars next to Buck's Ferrari, and there he is, sitting on the hood, head in hands, crying.

"What's wrong, Buck?" they asked. "You got a Ferrari! You're set forever! Why so down?"

Buck looked up, ever so slowly opened his mouth, and cried, "I just saw my wife go by on a skateboard."

A Young Earther in Heaven

A six-day creationist dies and finds himself standing in front of the gates of Heaven.

God Himself is there to greet him, and tells him He is happy to answer any questions the man might have - about anything across the entirety of Space and Time.

The man said: "Was I right? Was the earth literally created in 6 days?

God chuckles and says: "Of course not."

The man shakes his head in disbelief, troubled to his very core, and murmurs: "This heresy goes even higher than I thought..."

Men in Heaven

The Day of Judgment came, and all the people in the world who were worthy reached heaven, where the heavenly angels divided them into men and women.

The angel Gabriel ordered the men to stand in two rows. One would be all the men who had retained their strength in the relationship, and the other for men who had surrendered to their wives.

Meanwhile, the women were taken elsewhere, to pass their own test.

As soon as the women disappeared, most of the men immediately made their way to the first row of men who stood their ground, did not give in, and wore the “pants” in the house. But under the scrutiny and judgment of the angels, they slowly began to wander to the second line of the submissive men. So it went on for a long time until finally there were only three men left in the first row, while the second row lengthened and extended beyond the horizon.

Gabriel looked at this scene with a very disappointed look and turned to all the men: "You should be ashamed of yourself, you were created in the image of the Creator, and the woman was created from your bones, but you have allowed yourself to let her rule over you, only these three men are exceptional and I am sure they can teach you a thing or two."

Gabriel asked one of the three men, "How do you describe your relationships? How do you feel knowing you are one of the most special men in the world?"

"The truth?" answered the man, "I was lonely or stuck in unhappy relationships all my life, and now that we are here, my greatest regret is that I did not treat women better."

The angel hurried asked the other man how he described his relationships in life. "All my life I've gone from relationship to relationship, I've never found love and I've always wanted to change my ways and treat women better, now I can never do that ..." he said.

The somewhat Gabriel hurried asked the third man. "Please tell me, you seem quite satisfied and relaxed, what’s your secret, how did you manage to be the only man in the world who controls his relationship, that stands his ground, doesn’t give in to women, and still looks so sure of himself?"

The third man replied, "I'm sorry but I don’t have an answer for you. I'm just standing here because my wife told me to wait here and not move until she comes back ..."

Marriage in Heaven

A man spends all his life alone, finding no love. At age 96, he dies and goes to heaven. At the same time, a woman who has spent all her life alone, finding no love, dies at age 102, and goes to heaven.

As chance has it, they both meet at the Heavenly library, discovering they both have a deep love for books. They start talking and amazingly enough, after a lifetime of unhappiness, fall in love.

They go up to God and ask to be married.

God replies, "Give me some time, and I’ll get back to you. This is quite extraordinary."

Four years pass, and the couple wait patiently. God finally tells the man and woman that He can have them married.

A few centuries pass and the man and woman fall out of love. They approach God once more and this time they ask, sadly, for a divorce.

God responds: “It took me four years to find a priest in this place. How long do you think it’ll take me to find a lawyer?!”

St. Peter and the Politicians

St. Peter was standing at the Pearly Gates of Heaven when a caucus of politicians walked up.


"Hey Petey, may we come into Heaven?" asks one jovially.


St. Peter replies "Well, we have never had a group of politicians come in to heaven before, let me ask God."


He then consults with God. "My lord, there is a group of politicians at the pearly gates of Heaven. Should I let them in?"


God thinks for a moment and says "We have never had politicians in Heaven before. Let's see how it goes. Let them in."


St. Peter leaves God, only to come running back a few minutes later, exclaiming, "They’re gone!”


"The politicians?" God asks,


"No, the Gates; they believe in Open Borders!" St. Peter replies.  

Before God's Throne


A Jesuit, Franciscan and Dominican are driving to a theology conference and get into an accident and die and go to heaven.

Suddenly finding themselves at the pearly gates, they are nervous about meeting God to be judged. They are ushered by St. Peter into an ornate throne room and see God seated on his immense golden throne.

God looks down at the Franciscan and says, “Son of St. Francis, what do you believe?”

The Franciscan says, “I believe in your Son Jesus Christ and in serving him by helping the poor!”
And God says, “Welcome to heaven, Son of St. Francis.” 

And he enters heaven.

God looks at the Dominican and says, “Son of St. Dominic, what do you believe?”

The Dominican says, “I believe in your Son Jesus Christ and in the value of theology to help people discover him.”

And God says, “Welcome to heaven, Son of St. Dominic.” 

And he enters heaven.

Then from his great golden throne, God looks at the Jesuit and says, “Son of St. Ignatius, what do you believe?”

And the Jesuit looks up and says, “Uh…I believe you’re in my seat!”


  1. I dreamed I died and went to heaven. Inside the gates was a staircase and written on the walls as I went up was every sin imaginable. St Peter gave me a stick of chalk as big as a tree and told me to tick off any sins I'd committed. I was just getting started when I met Jack coming down the stairs. "I've run out of chalk", he said.

    1. That could well be true, Chef.

    2. Chalk washes away easily.

      The sin of making bad dad jokes, however, is written in Sharpie.

    3. Lain, that's a rather dadaphobic comment.

    4. I don't make the rules...

  2. A Franciscan says to a Jesuit, "Why do you Jesuits always answer a question with another question?"

    The Jesuit replies, "Well, what's wrong with that?"

  3. Hello, this is me, Anonymous.

    1. "But this is Me!" said Bear, very much surprised.
      "What sort of Me?"
      "Pooh Bear."
      "Are you sure?" said Rabbit, still more surprised.
      "Quite, quite sure," said Pooh.

    2. Good to see that your reading material has widened. Keep up the good work!

    3. One of the great minds of our time is the Ursa Major.

    4. Ah, so you've reached Marvel Comic level. I trust your reading of the moral dilemmas faced by Ursa is being supervised by a suitable adult.

    5. Marvel Comics are terrible. Manga is far superior.

      There's much wisdom in things written for children. 'Out of the mouths of babes you have ordained praise'. As C. S. Lewis said,

      When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

    6. Oh, I agree .... I get immense joy from reading my grandchildren stories. I suspect more so than they do! Well crafted imaginative and adventuresome tales, embed important life lessons for us all. Jesus spoke in parables for a reason. They bypass our 'intellectual' filter. It's one reason why I admired Pope Francis' call for encouraging the reading novels and poems generally and more specifically in the training of future priests.

      I had intended to write a blogpost on this ....

  4. A Franciscan and a Jesuit are killed in a car crash and find themselves before the gates of Heaven. The gates open, a beautiful white light shines out, the most angelic music ever heard pours forth. A red carpet rolls out though the gates and St Ignatius Loyola and St Francis Xavier come out and greet the Jesuit. When they had welcomed him, Our Lady comes forward to receive him, and finally, Our Lord himself comes out and brings the whole group back into Heaven. The light dies, the music fades, the gates close, leaving the Franciscan outside.

    Twenty minutes later, a small door in the wall opens, a Capuchin friar sticks his head out and beckons the Franciscan over. The Franciscan goes over and the Capuchin brings him in through the little gate into Heaven.

    "Welcome to Heaven", says the Capuchin. "Just move right in to any house you like, it'll be made up to your specs. There are notice boards everywhere, angels on every corner if you need any advice and, well, that's it really. Enjoy eternity. I'll see you around."

    The Capuchin makes to move off, but the Franciscan calls him back and says, "wait a minute, I came here with a Jesuit and he got an entire parade thrown for him. No offence, but how come I only get you?"

    "Oh, that", says the Capuchin. "Don't take it personally. We had to do something special for him. Our guys come through here every day, but we haven't had one of them for 250 years."

    1. Must have been Fr John Hardon, Servant of God, notwithstanding his misjudgement of the manipulative, deceitful, sexual predator, Donald McGuire.

    2. Jack always sees the best in his fellow Catholics. Me? Chronic Jesuit Derangement Syndrome. The only cure is suppression of the order.

    3. Gadjo finds this to be one of the better Jesuit jokes:
      A Franciscan and a Jesuit were both smokers who found it difficult to pray for a long periods without having a cigarette, so they asked their superiors for advice.

      When they next met, the Franciscan was downcast. “I asked my superior if I could smoke while I pray and he said ‘no'".

      The Jesuit smiled. “I asked I could pray while I smoke, and he said ‘of course.’”

    4. A Jesuit, a Dominican and a Franciscan are standing before the alter when a vision of the Holy Family appears. The Franciscan drops to his knees and bursts into tears at the privilege he's been granted. The Dominican is elevated into a higher state of consciousness and is unable to speak or communicate. The Jesuit goes up onto the altar, puts his arm around St Joseph's shoulder and says, "have you thought about a school for the boy?"

    5. Enjoy:

  5. Haha, all good ones, and some that I didn't know before! Yep, the first one "has legs".. here in Protestant circles one hears it applied to the Plymouth Brethren (one if whose churches I have been atrending for a while...).

  6. A Jesuit novice is ushered into the dining room of a Jesuit community at a large college on a big feast day: the Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits.

    He takes one look at the cocktails, the wine, the surf and turf on the table, and the big selection of cakes and pies for dessert and says, “Wow! If this is poverty, bring on chastity!”

    One cold winter's day in Bethlehem, just after he had been born, Jesus is lying asleep in the manger. Awaking from his nap, he opens his eyes, sees the ox and the ass standing beside him, and thinks to himself, "So this is the Company of Jesus!"

  7. Bell
    HJ has now included a joke pertaining to your JDS.

  8. Tell me Jack what is Heaven like. Does anyone know ? Will it be a very comfortable peaceful feeling? I have never really addressed this question.Do you believe in the judgement day? How is this going to work out? Cressida.

    1. Goodness - what a set of questions!

      All we know is that Heaven is a state of perfect happiness and fulfilment, characterised by a direct, face-to-face experience of God, where we will be completely united with God and experience peace, love, and joy.

      As for Judgement Day - yes, there will be one. This will reveal the full mercy, justice and glory of God for all to see. What will this entail? Who knows? The Catechism says:

      We shall know the ultimate meaning of the whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and understand the marvellous ways by which [God’s] Providence led everything toward its final end. The Last Judgment will reveal that God’s justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures and that God’s love is stronger than death.

      It won't be like a trip to the Headmaster's study. It won't be us all being subjected to the embarrassment of our friends and families as our sins are made known. The full implications of the good and evil that we do in our lifetime, and the good and evil done to us, and its ripple effects on our children, our children’s children, etc., and on those around us, and those around them, down through the years, will all be revealed.

    2. Btw, I posted that video especially for you after your comment on Psephizo.

    3. St. Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia said:

      What is Paradise? It is Christ. Paradise begins here and now. It is exactly the same: those who experience Christ here on earth, experience Paradise… Our task is to attempt to find a way to enter into the light of Christ.

      The love of God transforms everything; it sanctifies, amends and changes the nature of everything.

      When you find Christ, you are satisfied, you desire nothing else, you find peace. You become a different person. You live everywhere, wherever Christ is. You live in the stars, in infinity, in heaven with the angels, with the saints, on earth with people, with plants, with animals, with everyone and everything. when there is love for Christ, loneliness disappears. You are peaceable, joyous, full.

      The Kingdom of Heaven is already among us.

  9. Jack....I guessed that. Thank you. It's very serious over there. Not big on humour. I think Christ can get lost in all the reams of Scripture they discuss over there.

    Lain, the Kingdom of Heaven is already among us.. I experience this when it is quiet and I fall exhausted into bed and cuddle up to a pile of pillows and a duvet.I suppose we can experience Christ in different ways. Also the kindness from strangers I experience in helping me with shopping etc is extraordinary. There are such good people about. I sometimes wonder if they might be angels. Yesterday the delivery boy was wearing some beautiful sneakers, I asked him where her got them. He said he bought them cheap in in China. Seeing the disappointment on my face he asked me what my shoe size was and proceeded to remove his shoes. I've heard about giving the shirt off your back but never the shoes off your feet. I think God can be found in all the wonderful simple things we are surrounded by....Cressida

    1. I've had a look at that blog a few times, it's a little too earnest for me. A wise man once told me that there are two ways to study Scripture: one is like a midwife, helping to deliver new life into the world. The other is like a mortician, dissecting something dead. Don't mistake the finger for the moon! I also get a bit bored by the Anglican ability to write endlessly on the same three subjects and never reach a conclusion.

      I think that you're right that we find God in the simple things around us, if we just learn how to see him there. There have been times when I've glimpsed transcendence in something as simple as a flower blooming out of a crack in the concrete, that I've thought that this little taste of Paradise is enough for me and if I blinked out of existence tomorrow, I'd be satisfied.

    2. Oh I am so pleased you can appreciate this part of our existence .You are indeed blessed and enriched because of it. Hope you have a creative outlet to express this and give joy to others. Love the analogy of the midwife and the mortician. I am definitely going to use that one. ...Cressida

  10. I don’t feel up to making much of a comment, neither serious nor jocular. But here is how I felt after reading the jokes:

    (5 min)

  11. Jack I know this is off topic but as the Pope is ill and very old I suppose there is a possibility that he might resign. I wonder who the new Pope would be and how he would cope with the new Putin Trump alliance. I know Pope Francis gets a lot of criticism but at least he stood up to Trump by making it clear that if you are a Christian "Love Thy Neighbour " does not mean deporting all the illegal immigrants. I suppose we should be relieved he is not contemplating sending them to Auschwitz style camps. Also the Vice President converted to Catholicism in 2019 ? I think his religious instructor has some explaining to do. I don't think I would be the only one who is confused about what is going on......Cressida

    1. Trump is looking more and more like a reptilian to HJ. Perhaps he's a "shape-shifter." His rambling, self-serving, cult-like speeches drive me crazy. The world is darkening with him in the White House.

      For now, just pray for Pope Francis.

    2. The choice was between the cult of Trump and the cult of 'you must vote for me because I have certain immutable characteristics'. With half of the population prepared to cut off their noses to spite their faces at any one time, I'm not sure how the West is ever going to recover, either in the US or here.

      I fear that the pendulum will swing more and more extremely in each direction until the whole clock breaks.


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